He Ming, his son, also took part in the rescue at about 9 pm on July 21 and saved a 9-year-old boy at 3 am who was grasping an iron fence so the current wouldn't sweep him away. 他的儿子,何明,在21号九点的时候参与到救援中,并在凌晨三点时救起一个9岁大的儿童,该儿童攀附在立交桥的栅栏上,才没有被水流冲走。
Caught up in a current of tradition that threatens to sweep her toward a terrifying fate, Koly finds herself cast out, lost in a strange and cruel world. 目前陷入被传统而威胁中,走向她的是那可怕的命运,可莉发现自己被驱赶出来,迷失在一个陌生和残酷的世界里。
The relation between unit and value of polarography deviate wave and current datum and sweep speed 极谱导数波的单位和数值与电路参数和扫描速度之间的关系
Two kinds of methods to add reverse magnetic field have been recommended, one is adding compensating Helmholtz coils, another is applying direct current to the rapid scan sweep coils of ESR spectrometer. 本文介绍两种附加反向直流磁场的实验方法,即外加补偿的亥姆霍兹线圈,或直接借用ESR谱仪本身的快扫描线圈,来实现过零扫描。
Peaks on polarization curves of fast sweep of Pt working electrode, which reduced the limiting current region and was the restricting factor to decide the etching current density by high sweep rate of potential, corresponded to the reduction reaction of Fe 3+ to Fe 2+. 快速电位扫描获得的Pt电极极化曲线上有波峰出现,相应于溶液中Fe3+还原为Fe2+。波峰缩短了极限电流平台区,成为利用快扫描获得合金蚀刻电流密度的限制性因素。
The potential region in which the current oscillations took place and the oscillation amplitude were found to be dependent on temperature, solution concentration, potential sweep rate, and electrode rotation rate. 振荡电流所对应的电位范围以及电流振荡幅度与溶液温度,硫酸浓度、电位扫描速度以及电极旋转速度存在着对应关系。
The etching current density of the alloy could be estimated by the cathodic polarization of potential sweep applied on Pt working electrode. 应用Pt工作电极的动电位阴极极化可以对合金的蚀刻电流密度进行衡量。